適用范圍 Application
Can be used in Zone 1and Zone 2 dangerous places.
Can be used in IIA、IIB group explosive atmosphere.
型號含義 Model implication
總單元含義 Applicatinon of chief part
第一單元含義 Application of first part
第二單元 Application of second part
第三單元 Application of third pqrt
第四單元 Application of third part
BZC51防爆操作柱LBZ防爆操作柱(中宏防爆電氣)防爆操作柱BZC51防爆操作柱 中宏防爆操作柱 廠用防爆操作柱
產品特點 Features
■ 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑. ◆ Al-alloy diecasted shell with plastic-sprayed surface
■ 內裝萬能轉換開關、按鈕、電流表(可按用要求 ◆ Inside is mounted univeral changeover swith,button,ammeter(can mountother
裝其他儀表)、指示燈. instruments according to user's requirement)and indicator,etc.
■ 轉換開關有30多種功能可由用戶自由選擇,可根據 ◆ There are more than 30 functions of changeover switch available to be chosen
■ 萬能開關操縱機構經過優(yōu)化設計,可以自動找正,能 ◆ Can be customized according to user's requirement.